1. Complete one Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) topic including the following:
    • Answer the reflection questions for each of the videos and articles.
      • A section that you had a positive reaction to within the video/article. Should be at least 3-5 sentences and reference the page/section.
      • A section that you had a negative reaction to within the video/article. Explain why within 3-5 sentences and reference the page/section.
      • What can you do (based on the videos/articles) to help in your personal or professional
        development? (at least 1-3 ideas)
    • Write a summary/essay of the topic reflecting on how it related to their program experience.
  2. Successfully complete their Disney Program to meet American Council on Education credit recommendation.*
  1. Complete one Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) module on a leadership topic.
  2. Interview 1-2 salaried leaders in their work location regarding the information in the information in the module.
    • Write a comprehensive paper including:
      • Compare/contrast what they learned in the HMM module and what they heard from the leaders.
      • Discuss why might the leaders answers be different to what they learned in the modules?
      • How does what they learned from the interviews and HMM module relate to their overall internship experience?
  3. Successfully complete their Disney Program to meet American Council on Education creditrecommendation*
  1. Complete a minimum of 10 hours of course offerings (any mix of what is available - does not have to be a series-based course, and could be a combination of offerings that total 10 hours.)
  2. Write an extensive essay on how the offerings they choose related to their program experience, and
    what they learned.
    • Must detail out each offering they completed and key information they learned from each
  3.  Must include how the offering related to their program experience.
    Successfully complete their Disney Program to meet American Council on Education credit