The Learning Offering Catalog highlights learning opportunities offered throughout YOUR Disney Program. Do you want to know what types of classes are available, or how to earn a learning certificate?
Explore the learning catalog below!
Before signing up for classes and sessions, make sure to closely review the policies and best practices for attending learning offerings:
Congratulations on the start of your Disney journey! These offerings are an introduction to The Walt Disney Company and Disney Programs. Sessions will be scheduled on your itnerary, please make note of required offerings.
Making the Most of YOUR Program
Welcome to your Disney Program! Disney Programs is so excited you're here and wants to set you up for success. This offering takes place during your first few days upon arrival and will provide information to prepare participants for their program.
Learn all about helpful Disney Programs and company resources, tips and tricks to help you enjoy the magic of The Walt Disney World Resort, the best ways to stay connected and next steps for making the most of your program.
Learning Unlocked
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1 total
Learning Hour
As you settle into your new role, you may be wanting to find out more about the ;earning opportunities available to you throughout your Disney Program. In this class, the Disney Programs Learning team will share details about the learning experience.
You'll discover the types of learning offerings available, including Career Readiness, Disney Behind the Scenes, Special Engagements and more!
The team will also share more information about the Academic Support options available to you if you're taking classes at your university or college during your Disney Program.
Disney Traditions
Today's the day! Disney Traditions kicks off your first official day of work here at The Walt Disney Company. Get ready to learn all about what it means to be a Cast Member, from some of the many ways We Create Happiness to how we bring stories to life in the Disney Experiences segment.
As a new Cast Member you will be responsible for upholding the legacy of The Walt Disney Company, and Disney Traditions is just the beginning of your Disney Story.
Welcome to Operations
Check your training schedule
You've completed Disney Traditions. What's next? Welcome to Operations is the next step in your journey where you'll learn the role you play in the daily operation of the Walt Disney World Resort. You'll review insights from Disney Traditions, and learn how they apply to your role.
Welcome to Disney Programs Experiential Learning, where Disney Programs takes you to the coolest learning laboratory in the "world" - Walt Disney World! These offerings take you out of the classroom and give you a look behind the scenes of world-famous attractions and themed areas throughout our Theme Parks. Learn all about the operation and even get a glimpse into backstage areas across our parks and resorts.
Discover Disney
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Please note:
Due to high demand, you may only register for each Discover Disney or The Story Unfolds offering one time.
When you "Discover Disney," you discover the ins and outs of the operation of beloved experiences across Walt Disney World.
Ever wondered how the happy haunts materialize? Or, how the Pandora Conservation Initiative rises to the challenge every day?
Discover Disney opens the curtain to backstage magic like you've never seen it before.
Note: Discover Disney offerings do not count toward learning hours or certificates.
Disney Heritage
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2 total
Learning Hours
The Walt Disney Company has a history spanning over 100 years. From the early days of the Laugh-O-Gram Studio to iconic theme parks visited by Guests all over the world, our Disney history and heritage shapes who we are as a company today.
The Disney Heritage series takes participants through turning points, iconic moments and the legacy Walt Disney and his Cast Members and Imagineers have left to inspire us to "keep moving forward." Successfully complete four of sessions listed below, and you'll earn a Disney Heritage Daisy Degree Certificate!
Sessions focus on the following topics, and many more!
Since 1971, millions of Guests have traveled to Central Florida to make magical, family vacation memories at Walt Disney World Resort. The Origins Series dives into the history and heritage of the Walt Disney World Theme Parks and gives you the opportunity to learn more about the people who brought and continue to bring Walt's vision to life in Central Florida.
Offerings include:
- EPCOT Origins
- Magic Kingdom Origins
- More Coming Soon!
The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 by Walt Disney and his brother Roy O. Disney, and we have been creating Disney magic ever since. Disney Heritage: The Early Years celebrates the journey and storytelling of Disney's creative visionaries from 1901 through the 1950s.
July 17, 1955. The gates of Disneyland in Anaheim, Ca. open for the very first time, setting in motion the legacy of Walt's original Magic Kingdom. In Disney Heritage: Creating Disneyland, discover how Walt's dream came to life, paving the way for Disney Parks around the world.
Did you know that the 1964 – 1965 World's Fair was instrumental in the development of audio animatronics and ride systems used in Disney Parks worldwide today? This session pulls back the curtain on WED Entertprise's instrumental involvement in the development of key pavilions during the 1964 – 1965 World's Fair.
Walt Disney was a dreamer, but The Walt Disney Company as we know it today wouldn't be possible without the mind of Walt's brother, Roy O. Disney. In Disney Heritage: Roy O. Disney, learn more about this essential partnership and Roy's business acumen and financial background that was key in bringing Walt's vision to life.
Do you enjoy soaking up Disney heritage, history and happenings through the films and documentaries you stumble upon on Disney+? Watch & Learn sessions are the place for you. These pop-up sessions feature a viewing of an episode or documentary, followed by an in-depth de-brief discussion about the topic at hand. Watch and learn about your Disney favorites, from The Imagineering Story, to Behind the Attraction, and many more!
When taking Personal and Professional Development learning offerings, you'll gain skills that will help you in not only your career, but also your personal life. From Financial Fitness, to Improv to Learning Game Rooms and more, you'll discover new skills and invest in YOU!
Financial Fitness
Register on DORMS
1 total
Learning Hours each
You may be wondering, how do I create a budget? What is credit? What steps do I take if I want to buy a car? In the Financial Fitness series, hosted by professionals from Partners Federal Credit Union, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to take on the next steps your financial journey.
Successfully complete four of the sessions listed below, and you'll earn a Financial Fitness Daisy Degree certificate!
As you pursue your academic interests, you'll find yourself becoming more independent. With this new independence comes new financial responsibilities. Budgeting Essentials will teach you how to implement some easy-to-follow money habits to get you on the road to financial success.
Did you know that credit influences almost every other area of personal finance? From factors that influence your credit score, to reading your credit report, to providing you tips for getting out of debt, this session with educate you on how credit can help you reach your financial goals.
Do you ever wonder what you should be focusing on when it comes to your finances? In this session, you learn more about the importance of a budget, staying in control of your credit and long-term savings strategies that will help you build a solid financial future.
Managing our finances can be scary, and you're not alone. In this session, we will share action items you can take to break bad spending habits, avoid burnout and practice self-care when it comes to your finances.
So, you've decided to purchase a car. Now what? This session is your guide through the car-buying experience. You'll learn tips and tricks on how to find the best deals to fit your budget, to obtaining a pre-approval, to negotiating a trade-in and more!
Now, more than ever, it's important to keep your guard up when it comes to your personal information. Attend this session to learn more about identity protection and what to look out for in today's digital environment.
Your financial savings goals are achievable, and we are here to help! In this session, you'll learn how to set smart goals, the importance of creating an emergency fund and all about savings options for short- and long-term goals.
You're about to finish school, begin your professional career and... it's time to repay your student loans. This session will guide you through student loan repayment and help you set yourself up for success throughout the process.
Learning Game Room
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1 total
Learning Hours
Looking for a fun, interactive way to harness your teamwork, leadership and communications skills? Enter the Learning Game Room! From cooking up victory, to becoming "the chosen one," Learning Game Room sessions give you the chance to team up with your fellow participants while learning key skills to set you up for success in your career.
This leadership and teamwork exercise will help you see the bigger picture and understand the value of communication and perspective as you race alongside each other.
Are you "the chosen one?" Find out in this engaging and interactive leadership exercise that will have you moving around the room.
Have you ever wondered how your perspective can influence a team? Exercise the value of perspective and collaboration to achieve a common goal in this interactive activity that will have you moving around the room and having fun all along the way!
Improv for Improvement
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1 total
Learning Hours
If you're looking to boost your teamwork, confidence, public speaking, leadership and critical thinking skills in a fun way, Improv for Improvement classes are for you!
These HIGHLY interactive courses will focus on teaching you these skills through the art of improvisation.
Improv for Improvement classes are safe spaces, allowing for some laughs and personal growth along the way.
Sessions focus on the following topics:
Improv skills are skills to help you think outside the box and be more ‘in the moment’ in all aspects of your life. This class introduces the building blocks of this unique art form and allows you to hone your creativity, team work and innovation skills through high-energy group activities. This hands-on course opens the door to personal growth with some laughs along the way!
A pivotal step to improving your professional and personal life is the art of communication. This session will focus on how to be a great listener and collaborator in addition to providing opportunities for public speaking practice – all through the art of improvisation.
Improvisation depends on working successfully as a team and it is also a key skill in professional development. Improv for Improvement: Team Work will help you partner with others more easily by learning to embrace different ideas, communicate clearly, listen attentively, and collaborate in a fun and positive way all through improv exercises.
We work in a fast-paced environment, and using critical thinking can help us communicate better, make clearer decisions and multi-task more effectively. This session provides fun, improv-based activities, and conversations to build up this important skill.
Let your imagination run wild through the art of improvisation! Improv for Improvement: Creativity is an interactive session filled with activities and games to flex those creative muscles. Whether you are overflowing with ideas or need some help getting inspired – this class is for you!
Emotional Fitness
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2 Per Week, 8 Total
Learning Hours

"It's all about motivation, Mr. McQueen. You can use anything negative as fuel to push through to the positive!"
- Cruz Ramirez
Created in partnership with Cigna, the Emotional Fitness sessions teach key tools and skills that will support you in navigating and managing your emotional wellness.
Session offerings include:
- Blueprint for Emotional Wellness
- Change and Challenges
- Make Peace with Time
- Channeling Your Inner Winner
Emotional Fitness is part of our Wheels on Wellness mental health and wellness initiative! Learn more here.

Sign Language Basics
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1.5 total
Learning Hours
Have you always wanted to learn American Sign Language?
This class will teach you the basics. Discover more about the history of ASL and the Deaf community that uses it, and learn over 50 signs in this fun, interactive session.
Have questions about post-program opportunities?
We know it can be overwhelming when you begin navigating what's next.
During office hours recruiters can help with:
- Extensions
- Disney Internships
- Disney Hospitality Leadership Program
- and more!
Recruiter Office Hours are held weekly at Apprentice Hall.
No reservations are required, drop-in anytime!
From Career Spotlights, to Executive Conversations, to Special Engagements with guest speakers from across the company, you have the opportunity to learn more about the Endless Possibilities The Walt Disney Company has to offer!
Career Spotlight Sessions
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Learning Hours
In Career Spotlight sessions, you'll hear from leaders and Cast Members from across The Walt Disney Company and Disney Experiences segment.
Join featured speakers for authentic conversations and to learn more about their career journeys and current roles.
Many Cast Members featured in Career Spotlights got their start on a Disney Program, just like you!
Endless Possibilities Showcase
When you work for the Walt Disney Company, YOU have the key to unlock Endless Possibilities!
The Endless Possibilities Showcase gives you the opportunity to learn all about the opportunities and resources available to you during and after your Disney Program. Meet representatives from a wide range of Florida-based lines of businesses, such as Culinary, Walt Disney Imagineering, Disney Live Entertainment, Recruiters and many more!
This bi-annual event gives you the chance to network, connect and learn more about what it means to be a Cast Member.
Spotlight On Sessions
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Learning Hours
In Spotlight On sessions, you'll hear from a panel of leaders and teams from across The Walt Disney Company and Disney Experiences segment.
Featured panelists host an authentic conversation and and share more about their career journeys and current roles.
Many Cast Members featured in a panel got their start on a Disney Program, just like you!
Your Disney Programs Journey: What’s Next?
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Learning Hours
In this session, you’ll hear more about your post-program opportunities at Walt Disney World Resort!
Recruitment experts will map out your possible next steps with The Walt Disney Company and answer any questions you may have, focusing primarily on Disney Programs extensions and part-time/full-time hourly opportunities. Don’t miss your chance to discover what’s next!
Crafting Culinary Connections
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1 total
Learning Hours
Carefully and thoughtfully created with Disney Culinary Program participants in mind, this annual Culinary Program-focused networking event gives participants the opportunity to meet and networks with chefs from around Walt Disney World and sample some of Disney’s best food offerings!
Executive Conversations
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Learning Hours
Executive Conversations give Disney Programs participants the opportunity to hear from Disney Executives leading teams in the Disney Experiences segment of The Walt Disney Company and beyond.
From career stories, to leadership insights, these authentic and insightful conversations will give you a glimpse into a day in the life of a Disney leader.
Recent Executive Conversation Guests Include:
- Jeff Vahle – President, Walt Disney World Resort
- Linda Reid – Vice President, Walt Disney World Security
- Perry Crawley – Director, Disney Programs & Experiences
Tech Behind the Dreams
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Learning Hours
Interested in learning more about Walt Disney Imagineering? Apply for Tech Behind the Dreams during your Disney Program! Tech Behind the Dreams is a learning and networking opportunity held exclusively for Disney College Program participants.
This six-hour experience will give you the chance to learn about the different departments within Walt Disney Imagineering and Disney Live Entertainment, as well as interact with numerous show design and production professionals.
Anchors Away with Disney Cruise Line
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Learning Hours
Have you ever thought about joining the Disney Cruise Line Crew? In this session, you’ll join the Disney Cruise Line Recruitment team to learn more about what it takes to have a career at sea, ship life, expectations, and the different opportunities available onboard after your Disney Program!
Culinary Demonstrations & Conversations
Register on DORMS
1 total
Learning Hours
Ever wonder how Disney Culinary teams create and develop the delicious dishes we enjoy in our parks and resorts? Culinary Demonstrations and Conversations give you the opportunity to hear from Disney chefs and culinary professionals
Complete four Culinary demonstrations & conversations and receive a Daisy Degree Certificate in Culinary.
Special Engagements
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Learning Hours
Special Engagements are “once in a Disney Program” opportunities to hear from unique speakers from across The Walt Disney Company. Past Special Engagement sessions have featured Disney authors, animators, musicians, historians and more!
For the below multi-week series, you will join a cohort of fellow Disney Programs participants for four or five consecutive weeks to learn more about various elements of the business and the Disney brand.
Successfully complete all classes in a multi-week series, and you'll earn a Mouseter's certificate!
Leadership 101
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2 per week, 8 total
Learning Hours
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a Disney leader?
In Leadership 101, you get to explore the key characteristics of leadership, the skills needed to be successful as a leader and how Disney prepares their leaders to effectively balance the needs of their Cast, our Guests and business results. Classes will be held weekly at the same time and day of the week.
Upon successful completion of this multi-week series you will receive a Mousester's Certificate in Leadership 101.
Register on DORMS
2 Per Week, 10 Total
Learning Hours
Did you know Disney's Animals, Science & Environment's Conservations Science team facilitates research and conservation projects right here at Walt Disney World? Join the Conservation Science team to study and care for monarch butterflies on-site at Flamingo Crossings Village!
You'll learn about conservation initiatives while maintaining a butterfly garden located at Flamingo Crossings Village West during this 10-week course, which meets every other week.
The Magic of Storytelling
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2 per week, 8 total
Learning Hours
What makes a great story? How does Disney tell stories? How do you effectively communicate YOUR story?
This interactive multi-week class will answer these questions and push you out of your comfort zone in a fun and safe environment. Each week will focus on different types of storytelling, such as the many ways The Walt Disney Company tells stories in parks and film, digital communication and more!
Exploring Disney Hospitality
Register on DORMS
2 per week, 10 total
Learning Hours
Walt Disney World Resort is known for its world-famous hospitality. Exploring Disney Hospitality gives you a glimpse into the roots of Disney's approach to hospitality and different lines of business that provide the Exceptional Guest service only Disney can provide.
During this Multi-Week Series, you will have the opportunity to meet and network with different leaders representing Attractions, Merchandise, Food & Beverage and Entertainment.
Classes will be held weekly at the same time and day of the week for four consecutive weeks.
Upon successful completion of this multi-week series you will receive a Mousester's Certificate in Exploring Disney Hospitality.