When you need to end your program early

Do you need to end your program earlier than your assigned program departure date? Perhaps you have a school-related event, class or commitment you must attend to, or a personal matter has come up? The Disney Programs team understands that sometimes things happen, which is why there are a few different options you can explore if you want to ensure you leave your program in good standing:

  • School-related early release
  • Work-approved early release
  • Break of program

School-related early release

You are eligible for a school-related early release if you must depart no more than three weeks prior to your original departure date, and you fall within at least one of the school-sponsored categories outlined below:

  • You are a resident assistant, student counselor, student mentor, orientation leader, peer advisor, teacher assistant or work- study program participant required to attend mandatory sessions prior to your program end date.
  • You are an athlete or performer (e.g. on a cheerleading team, flag and dance squad, in the band or orchestra) required to attend mandatory sessions prior to your program end date.
  • You must attend a class or lab beginning prior to your program end date.
  • You must attend registration, orientation or graduation in person before your program end date.
  • You are a participant in ROTC, student government, TV/newspaper, etc. and are required to attend mandatory sessions prior to your program end date.

If you are within the last six weeks of your program, you are not eligible for a school-related early release. In this case, you are encouraged to work with your leaders to pursue a work-approved early release.

I meet the eligibility guidelines. What do I do now?

To apply for a school-related early release, submit your request to the Disney Programs team, attaching necessary documentation. The document must be on school letterhead from a faculty member or school administrator, and must state your full name, PERNR and exact date that your classes and/or programs begin.

My paperwork is done, when can I depart?

Disney Programs will approve up to five travel days from your school start date, provided that your new departure date still falls within three weeks of your originally scheduled departure date.

If you have any questions regarding the school-related early release process, please contact the Disney Programs team.

For International Program J1-Academic participants who need to depart early

If your work area, domestic school, and the Disney Programs team approves an early departure, that new date will be considered your program end date, and the appropriate government agencies will be notified.

It is recommended that all International Program participants retain copies of their I-94 card and proof of departure (such as your flight boarding pass) that you departed the United States in a timely manner in case proof is needed in the future.

J-1 Summer/Winter Work/Travel Program Cast Members are not eligible for early departure.

Work-approved early release

To apply for a work-approved early release from your program, the following criteria must be met:

  • The reason for leaving must be determined valid by your work area management and must not impact the operation adversely.
  • The labor manager for your area must approve the early release.
  • The new departure date must be within three weeks of the original end date. Any requests for greater than three weeks will be declined.

IMPORTANT: if you receive a work-approved early release, Flamingo Crossings Village residents must depart housing by 10 a.m. the day following your last day of work.

If all of the above criteria are met and a work-approved early release can be granted, the Workforce Management office for your work location must send an email to: wdw.program.administrative.services@disney.com with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Last day of work

Managers from Workforce Management and the work location should both be copied on this email. Once this information has been received, your request will be processed and a representative from Disney Programs will be in touch with you.

Break of program

Should you decide to voluntarily end your program prior to your scheduled departure date and are not eligible for an approved early release, you would be considered a break of program.

Important things to keep in mind if you break your program:

  • Your rehire eligibility status may be impacted if you choose to break your program. Questions about your rehire status should be directed to your work location leadership team.
  • You will not receive a program completion certificate, as a break of program is not considered a successful program completion.
  • You will be required to move out of Flamingo Crossings Village by 10 a.m. the day following your final shift. Remember that you will also be responsible for the cost of housing, including your final week on the program. Your last housing deduction will appear on your final paycheck the week following your departure. If you did not work enough hours to cover the cost of housing, you will be contacted to pay out of pocket.

Turning in your key at Flamingo Crossings Village does not constitute as notice to Disney Programs of intent to end your employment. You will continue to accrue rent charges at Flamingo Crossings Village until you notify Disney Programs that you are ending your employment.

Here are some additional tips to help you prepare:

  • Determine your last day of work and speak with your leaders as soon as possible so your schedule can be adjusted.
  • Be sure to check – and update if needed – your personal contact information on D Tools HR via Disney Cast Life.
  • Return your costumes and turn in your Disney ID to your leader at the end of your last shift.
  • Submit a Support Site request to notify Disney Programs of your intent to end your employment. 
  • Return your Flamingo Crossings Village apartment key card and parking decal, if applicable, to the front desk in the Community Center prior to 10 a.m. on your departure date. Failure to return these items will result in a charge.

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