Cultural activities are reported through DORMS.Disney.com. Acceptable cultural activities are 2–3 sentences in length at minimum and describe in detail what you did, who you experienced it with, how it was unique, where it took place and what made it a cultural event for you. As defined by the U.S. Department of State, a diverse range of experiences, including meals or activities with U.S. citizens and Disney Programs sponsored activities, qualify as a cultural activity, and there are multiple ways in which you may fulfill your requirement each month.
Examples of cultural activities:
- Disney Programs-sponsored activities (an updated list is available through the DORMS calendar)
- Museum or historic sites/landmark visits
- State or National Parks
- Sporting events, concerts, theater performances and movies
- Shopping excursions
- Meals with American citizens
Theme Park experiences do not qualify. Cultural activities should take place outside of the work environment. One-word entries and vague entries are not acceptable.
While it is YOUR responsibility to enter a monthly cultural activity, email reminders will be sent on:
- 1st of the month reminder to all J-1 Cultural Exchange Visitors
- 15th of the month reminder to all J-1 Cultural Exchange Visitors
- 3rd week of the month email to only those who have not yet entered a cultural activity
- 3rd week of the month, an email is sent to the management teams of all who have not yet entered a cultural activity for the month
Start and end date
Start of Program
- If your program begins prior to the 15th of the month, you must report a cultural activity beginning this month.
- If your program begins on or after the 15th of the month, cultural activity reporting begins for you the following month.
End of Program
- If your program ends prior to the 15th of the month, you are not required to enter a cultural activity.
- If your program ends on or after the 15th of the month, you are required to enter a cultural activity.
Questions or Technical Challenges?
If you have questions or are having technical challenges reporting your cultural activity, reach out to a member of the Disney Programs team at Support.DisneyPrograms.com.