ESPN NEXT alumni spotlight: Michael, associate producer

When it comes to sports storytelling and media, there’s no better place than ESPN. Michael was completing his degree at the University of Connecticut and seeking the first step of his career when he discovered the ESPN NEXT program. He was immediately compelled to apply because of the possibility to work for the number-one sports media brand. This program serves as a catalyst for young professionals as they develop their skillset working on ESPN’s innovative platforms. When Michael received the offer to become a production assistant, it was not difficult for him to make that life-changing decision.

Upon accepting the role, Michael unlocked an exciting career path driven by excellence and development from the people around him. Three years and one NEXT program later, Michael is pursuing his dream as an associate producer based at ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut.

Michael Logan ESPN

Tell us about your role!

In my role, I produce graphics during sports games. In the lead up, I work closely with our production team to gameplan important storylines and develop unique visuals out of those conversations.

Throughout my time at ESPN, I’ve had the privilege to work on college basketball and college baseball. Working on these sports segments has given me the opportunity to travel across the country which has been exciting experience. I’ve covered games in Mississippi, Kansas, South Carolina, and Alabama just to name a few!

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What projects have you worked on that you are most proud of?

Looking back, I am most proud of contributing to the first season of Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli Manning, the NFL Media Days and the 2023 NFL Draft. I believe that any time you have the opportunity to work on something that is brand new, it allows you to flex your creative muscle.

I really enjoyed the team I collaborated with on the Monday Night Football show because they were supportive of any and all ideas which resulted in must-see tv each time Peyton and Eli covered a game. For the 2023 NFL Draft, it was so rewarding to work on an event that has such a long lead up time. For about three months, we were creating player highlights for over 500 players! As a team, we tackled the challenge of finding the player’s best captured moments. It felt special to know that the fan base for each drafted player would see the highlights we produced. I’d say the best part was traveling to Kansas City and working behind the scenes during the draft. The instant communication that happens at those events is extraordinary.


What can you tell us about the growth opportunities at ESPN?  

ESPN offers countless growth opportunities and spaces to network with employees across the company. Whether you are a NEXT participant or full-time employee, the team members around you become your biggest supporters. When you pursue a career at ESPN, you’ll learn a lot about the sports industry and will be challenged by the fast-paced environment, but you will also sharpen your skills quickly. I feel comfortable asking questions or vocalizing my specific career goals because I’m confident my mentors will provide guidance as I take a leap into the future.


Why would you recommend other people apply to ESPN NEXT?

The ESPN NEXT program is an integral part of our company and will literally lead you to the next season of your career. Most employees I know who have worked here for decades started as a production assistant which is the role you would get placed in when you do the program. Those employees are a testament to the growth opportunities and learning experiences you’ll gain as part of ESPN NEXT.


To learn more about the ESPN NEXT program and other career opportunities at ESPN, go to Disney Careers!