Injury Reporting

Update: MyCority has replaced the Stars Injury Reporting System

OSHA Log Monthly Summary

Please complete questions 1-7 form ill out the OSHA Log Monthly Summary


Introduction to MyCority

Note: these instructions are for an Injury but the process is the same for all types of events (e.g., near misses, vehicle accidents).

MyCority MUST be used to report only work-related injuries/illnesses, NOT personal medical issues. The system’s primary purpose is to correct deficiencies or prevent future incidents from occurring. If an injury/illness results in a worker being admitted into a hospital, also use another means to report it immediately to the Production Executive and the Production Safety Manager.

All productions are required to report injuries and illnesses within 24 hours using MyCority. Department Heads must complete their investigation immediately (within 24-48 hours).

Upon submission, Production Safety, Risk Management, the show's UPM and POC will be notified.

Only in the U.S., will the initial report be sent to the production's payroll company who will manage the workers’ compensation claim.


To access MyCority, one must first register an account. The following instructions are the same whether you use a PC or mobile device.

Step 1 - Go to MyCority

Go to: then click [Register]

Step 2 - Register

Fill out the required fields.

Employee Number:    1st 4 letters of your last name + last 4 digits of your cell phone (e.g., MCDO8995)

Self-Registration Code Word:    SAFED

User Name:    emails are the easiest to remember, but it can be anything

Password:    Min.  8 characters, cannot contain any portion of User Name. Must contain upper + lower case letters, number and special character (NO spaces, commas, periods, underscores, hyphens, or hashtags). You can always reset your password, but after 5 wrong password attempts, you will be locked out for 5 minutes before you can try again.

Name not found?    If you do not find your name in the system, please email

Report an Event

Personal medical records not related to the incident shall not be included. Personal identifying information such as date of birth, social security number, etc. shall not be included. If this information is necessary, workers’ compensation will reach out to the payroll company.

From the Home Screen, select [New Event Report].

Select [Employee Injury Or Illness]

TIP: Whenever a field has a "magnifying glass" selecting it will display choices.

When entering the injured party's name, usually they will be in the directory. If not found, select [Manual Entry] and enter the required fields.

When selecting the Department Head, they MUST be in the directory. If not found, select your production's POC. This ensures they will be notified by email in the system.

Fill in all fields to the best of your ability, then [Submit].

Department Head Investigation

Upon submission, the Department Head will receive and an email with this subject line:

             Incident Reported - # 5491 - Department Head Action Required

The email will contain a link to MyCority. If they haven't already, they must first register following the instructions above.

After logging in, select [Investigation].

In the [Incomplete] list, select the item that is “Due: NOW


Review, amend, and add pertinent information in ALL TABS across the top. Documents or pictures can be uploaded in the [Attachments] tab.

IF no investigation is found in the [Incomplete], Production Safety closed the investigation before the Department Head had a chance to review. If still open, the Department Head will receive daily reminders until they complete.

IF one should choose to assign corrective action in relation to the reported injury (e.g., clean up aisle 6), they can assign an action in the [Findings & Actions] tab.


Department Heads must complete their investigations within 24 hours of the incident being reported.

IF not been completed after 3 days, the UPM will receive daily reminders until the investigation is complete.

If not been completed after 7 days, the Production Executive will receive daily reminders until the investigation is complete.



It’s that easy! If you have any questions, please contact


Additional Notes

If reporting a Near Miss, the POC will receive an email a report has been submitted but no action is necessary.

You may check your own past reports by selecting [Event Reports], then [Previously Submitted].


To access the previous STARS system, click here.