Production Safety Training

All Department Heads and Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees receive appropriate safety training. Safety training is required:

  • Upon employee hire.
  • Whenever employees are given a new job assignment where additional training is necessary.
  • Whenever new processes, substances or equipment is introduced to the workplace.
  • For all individuals who supervise others (supervisors, department heads, etc.) so that they are aware of the health and safety hazards that employees under their care may be exposed to.

Training requirements vary based on crew member position and the requirements of a particular production. At a minimum, the following safety training must take place:

Production Safety Program Orientation / Introduction

All cast and crew must receive a copy of the Production Safety Program Orientation / Introduction with their start paperwork (deal memo). This is the first introduction to the production-specific Injury and Illness Prevention Program (Safety Program).

Production Safety Program Orientation Introduction

Information covered in the document includes: safety guidelines for production; an IIPP overview; emergency response guidance including contact phone numbers, evacuation procedures and accident reporting procedures; chemical awareness, including availability of Safety Data Sheets, product labeling and personal protective equipment and heat illness awareness.

In addition to distribution of the Production Safety Program Orientation Introduction, management must ensure that crew members receive safety training that covers a variety of topics including, but not limited to, injury and illness prevention, personal protection equipment, lifting safety, heat illness prevention, and hazard communication. Training can be provided in several ways:

British Columbia

Disney Production Safety Orientation (DPSO) On-Line Safety Training

Disney provides an on-line safety course that covers general safety and environmental training similar to CSATF Safety Pass courses as well as craft-specific safety information. Completion of the on-line DPSO is mandatory for all production employees. Cast and crew will receive a direct link to complete their required training via email.

Note, the DPSO does not provide skills training for specialized equipment such as powered industrial trucks. Please contact your production to discuss that type of training.

Outside California

When working outside of California in locations not subject to Contract Services Administration Trust Fund (CSATF) – Safety Pass training requirements, it is the responsibility of the production to ensure that employees are trained and that the training is documented prior to physical commencement of work.

Disney Production Safety Orientation (DPSO) On-Line Safety Training

Disney provides an on-line safety course that covers general safety and environmental training similar to CSATF Safety Pass courses, as well as craft-specific safety information. Completion of the on-line DPSO is mandatory for all production employees who are not eligible to participate in CSATF training programs. Cast and crew will receive a direct link to complete their required training via email.

Note, the DPSO does not provide skills training for specialized equipment such as powered industrial trucks. Please contact your production to discuss that type of training.

Click here for resources referenced in the Production Safety Orientation (PSO) online training.

Employees should be compensated unless other arrangements have been made and agreed upon by the employee and management. Consult with your Production Safety Representative for additional direction. Available training resources include:

IATSE Entertainment & Exhibition Industries Training Trust Fund – IATTF On-Line Safety Training

Employees working under the IATSE Area Standards Agreement may take on-line IATTF safety courses provided by CSATF. Currently, the “A” - General Safety/ IIPP course and the “A2” - Environmental Safety course is being offered. Contract Services Administrative Trust Fund (CSATF) - Safety Pass CSATF “A” - General Safety/IIPP and the “A2” - Environmental Safety course can also be provided to crew members for a fee. This training is on-line.