7 things no one will tell you to bring for your Disney Program

Packing. Just the thought is cringe-worthy. What do you need to bring? Do you have all your necessities? Packing can be overwhelming! Thankfully, there are plenty of people who have been in your shoes and provided Disney College Program packing lists online. Here are some additional items no one tells you to bring for your program but could become essential.

    Have you ever seen those giant Ziploc bags that become smaller with a vacuum? In my opinion, space bags are lifesavers, ladies and gents. It will save you space in your suitcases and in your apartment. I fit my comforter and pillow in one space bag when I drove down to Florida. Also, the Service Centers within your Housing complex have vacuums, so when your program is over, you can pop over to the Service Center, borrow a vacuum and use it to suck out the air in your space bag. Great stuff!
    I suggest getting these bad boys before you get to your program. Everyone in you apartment will more than likely have some Disney décor they want to put on the walls, and per Housing Community Codes, you can only hang things up on the walls with Command strips. No other wall adhesives such as sticky tack, tape, glue or stickers are allowed. Nails and tacks are also not permitted for hanging or placing items.
    One would think that the Sunshine State doesn’t become cold because it’s, well, the Sunshine State! Friends, trust me when I say this: bring a warm jacket. As soon as the sun goes down between late November and February, it gets pretty chilly. As our pal Scar says, “Be prepared.”
    As someone who isn’t the tallest, my world was changed after I made this purchase during my College Program. The closets are tall! There’s plenty of space to store your stuff, but it’s a little hard to utilize all of it when you’re vertically challenged. With my step stool, I was able to reach the top of my closet and the higher shelves in the kitchen. What a blessing!
  5. A LOCK
    Every person will have a locker to store their valuables in within their apartment. I highly suggest you buy a combination lock! While we like to think no one will snag our important documents and items, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Plus, nowadays, you can get a fancy colored lock. You could even find a simple lock and paint it. You’ll be the fanciest participant on the block with your fancy lock, and your items will be safe and secured, too!
    This is definitely a solid investment. When you come to your program, you will want to share all the exciting happenings Walt Disney World® Resort has to offer. You’ll have pictures in front of Cinderella Castle, Snapchat selfies with your roommates, tweets about the birds in Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park, and you also have to be able to call your mom! You can’t do all these things when your phone is dead. Having an external phone charger is life changing!
    Weather update: it rains in Florida. When you’re walking through the parks and all of sudden it starts to rain, do not fret. While some may opt not to hit the parks during a rainy day, if you’re prepared with the proper attire, you are good to go! With that being said, find yourself a comfy pair of rain boots, a rain jacket and a mini-umbrella. Now you can conquer a rainy day at the parks!

Now that you know a few lesser-shared items to bring, there is one more thing I wish we had the ability to bring: time. In a blink of an eye, your program will come to an end, so cherish every moment from the minute you receive your acceptance to your departure. Be sure to work hard, play hard and make as many memories as you can!