Disney Professional Internship Essentials: Get Noticed, Get hired

The Disney Professional Internships team is eager to find talented candidates like you for our wide variety of internship opportunities. The next chapter of your story could be a Disney internship, and we want to help!

Top 5 ways to get noticed for a Disney Professional Internship

    1. Make your résumé stand out by making it concise and easy-to-read – recruiters only spend a few seconds before deciding whether or not to move on, so make it easy for them to locate your key skills. Your résumé should be appropriate for the roles you are applying for, for example, a legal or analytical résumé should be standard in format, while a creative résumé for an art or graphic design position should showcase your skills.

  1. If you write a cover letter, use it to tell why you are excited about that particular role and how you would be a great fit, rather than reiterate what is on your résumé. Make it easy to read, too, using short paragraphs and bullet points if appropriate.
  2. Use your contacts – sometimes it is who you know, even if that means just getting your résumé “pulled from the stack” and put in front of the right person. And remember, your contacts may help you get your foot in the door – but you have to win the internship yourself.
  3. If you are invited to a preliminary interview, take it seriously as it the gateway to an interview with the decision-maker. Do your homework about the job and the company, and show your enthusiasm through your tone and your questions.
  4. Interviews with hiring leaders will be more in-depth than a preliminary interview – be even more prepared – and be on time. Expect to share examples from your previous experience and have questions prepared. A thank-you note can separate you from other candidates.

Top 5 ways NOT to get noticed for a Disney Professional Internship

    1. Present a sloppy résumé that is too long, not formatted well, or inappropriate for the industry you are applying to. Recruiters review A LOT of résumés, and will pass by one that is difficult to read, disorganized or unsuitable.
    2. Write a cover letter that is riddled with grammatical errors, incorrect company names or job titles. If your letter states that you have strong attention to detail, but has the wrong company name, you WILL be passed over.

  1. Ask a contact or a recruiter to tell you what jobs are available or best for you. Even if you do have a connection who can help, don’t make them do the work for you. Tell them what positions you are interested in, why you would be a good fit, and how you would like them to help. Do your homework first, and apply to the position online. Be polite and appreciative. And always attach your most recent résumé. Make it easy for them to help.
  2. Treat a preliminary phone interview casually. Please do not answer the phone inappropriately, forget about the interview, or talk while walking your dog. Really.
  3. Waste a leader’s time by not being on time, not being prepared, and not being professional.

Put your best self forward – we are excited to meet you!