TWDC Production Policies for Cast and Crew

For additional policies that govern your employment, please review the policies below that apply to your work region(s):
🇺🇸 United States
Policy Manual for U.S. Production Cast & Crew
As noted in the Policy Manual for U.S. Production Cast & Crew, cast and crew are expected to review and be familiar with the content of the supplements applicable to their work locations and conduct themselves consistently with the principles expressed in those supplements.
Crew Timekeeping (California Supplement)
Family and Medical Leave Act (California Supplement
Breaks for Nursing Cast and Crew (California Supplement)
California Reproductive Loss Leave
Crew Timekeeping (Colorado Supplement)
Prohibition of Harassment and Bullying (Illinois Supplement)
Disability Accommodation (Illinois Supplement)
Prohibition of Harassment and Bullying (Massachusetts Supplement)
New York
Equal Employment Opportunity (New York Supplement)
Prohibition of Harassment and Bullying (New York Supplement)
Breaks for Nursing Cast and Crew (New York Supplement)
NY HERO Act - Airborne Infectious Disease Exposure Prevention Plan
Prohibition of Harassment and Bullying (Oregon Supplement)
Washington D.C.
Family and Medical Leave Act (Washington D.C. Supplement)
🇨🇦 Canada
🇪🇺 Europe
Latin America